White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Henrik Lang is a Tremere in Ottawa.


A fierce Tremere traditionalist and scholar of ancient magics and esoteric texts, Henrik Lang originally set up shop in Quebec City after Prince Annabelle built a powerful chantry there in the 1980s. In the 2000s, he was sent to establish a Tremere presence in Ottawa. He crafted a chantry beneath St. Alban's Anglican Church, utilizing the historical building as cover and taking it over fully after the church fractured in 2008.

After a coalition of Second Inquisition agencies destroyed the Prime Chantry in Vienna, the clan's hierarchy fell apart. Lang has since fought tirelessly to hold his clan together like the old days before bonds were broken. Lone wolf "mercenary maguses" have a way of disappearing not long after setting foot in Ontario or Quebec, and there is little doubt among the other elders as to who is responsible. Prince Arundel has been largely content to let the Tremere squabble among themselves and allows Lang to operate autonomously as long as he doesn't interfere in official Camarilla affairs or break the Masquerade.

With his structure and ideological framework crumbling around him, Lang is unusually sensitive to changes in local operations, and thus opposes the rise of House Carna and the admittance of the Banu Haqim into the Camarilla. When Arundel granted sanctuary to Kashif Salik, the Banu Haqim Vizier, Lang did what for him was formerly unthinkable, he rocked the boat. Under his advisement, the Tremere from his chantry left for Quebec City in protest, vocally opposing the welcome of their old enemies to Ottawa. According to official records, only Lang remains now, holding the chantry for the day that his fellows are able to return triumphant.


  • Lang is one of a few Kindred who openly calls Qui by his real name (much to the latter's displeasure).

