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Hengeyokai Fetishes are fetishes unique to the Hengeyokai.



List of Hengeyokai Fetishes[]

  • Wailing Devil Claw - Level 3, Gnosis 6 - This fetish weapon is a favorite of Tengu, but is often found in the hands of their allies. It takes the form of a long steel chain with a jade-inlaid, three-taloned claw at one end and a weight at the other, resembling a kusarigama. It is complicated to use (a character must have at least Melee 2 to use it for anything other than crude slashing attacks) - difficulty 7 to properly strike, but doing Strength +1 aggravated damage. When bonded to its user, the claw releases an eerie, almost subsonic wail as it whips through the air. This sound is faintly perceptible to most shen, but keenly audible to shapeshifters and spirits. The Devil Claw's utility is fully expressed when battling spirits; the weapon is consecrated to draw away their energy through the chain. To use it properly, one must wrap the chain around some portion of the spirit and cut the spirit with the claw (difficulty 8 to execute properly). If successful, the hengeyokai may then activate the claw; the spirit loses an additional three Power for every success on the Gnosis roll. Tengu weaponsmiths must bind a War-spirit into the claw for the fetish to be complete.
  • Tengu Feather Cloak - Level 3, Gnosis 7 - This cloak appears to be woven out of raven feathers, and is a potent weapon in the hands of the Tengu - or even other shapechangers. When activated, the cloak allows the wearer to use the Gifts of Slicing Feathers, Bloody Feather and Bloody Feather Storm in Homid form. The wearer must naturally know the Gifts in order to use them, however; the cloak does not provide the powers, only ammunition. Further, by activating the cloak, the user gains the ability to glide at running speed for a scene. Although almost all of these cloaks belong to Tengu, other hengeyokai may benefit from their use. Indeed, while wearing the cloak, a shapeshifter may learn the Gifts: Slicing Feathers and Bloody Feather if a teacher is available. These are even rumors of hengeyokai learning to use the Sun Swings Low maneuver with this fetish, although this may be just more of the Tengu's irrepressible gossip. To create such a fetish, the Tengu must weave a cloak out of his own feather and bind a Raven-spirit within.
  • Twinblade Spear - Level 3, Gnosis 7 - The Twinblade Spear is a shuang tao quiang (A type of double-ended spear) bound with a wind-spirit. In the very center of the shaft of the spear (which must be made of polished hardwood) is a bronze ring inscribed with a yin/yang emblem. When activated, the spear suddenly splits into two short spears, the yin/yang splitting perfectly into its two halves. However, the two halves remain joined by spiritual energy. (In some of these fetishes, this energy can be seen as a slightly luminous rush of wind that blows aside leaves and dust.) The wielder can throw one of the blades out and control it somewhat after its flight by swinging the other half properly. The wielder of the blade may use multiple actions to attack both with the spear half in his hands and with the floating half. The half that is held attacks using Dexterity + Melee (difficulty 7) and does Strength +2 aggravated damage. However, the floating half may attack anyone within ten yards of the attacker; it also does Strength +2 aggravated damage.
  • Five Winds Fans - Level 4, Gnosis 7 - These delicate rice-paper fans appear to be nothing more than elegant accessories, but are in fact potent tools in hengeyokai hands. Although they are usually created in sets of five, the Courts rarely trust any one hero to carry an entire set; ergo, the points paid for this fetish reflect only one fan. When activated, the fans can manifest a wind just as the Wendigo Gift: Call the Breeze. In addition, each fan has a particular power, depending on the wind to which it is attuned. A fan of the North Wind calls a blast of chill air as the Wendigo Gift: Cutting Wind, while an East Wind Fan invokes a deep fog as the Black Fury Gift: Curse of Aeolus. The West Wind grants the Ragabash Gift of Open Seal, while the South Wind creates a resounding thunderclap when activated, as the Shadow Lord Gift: Clap of Thunder. Finally, the Umbral Wind Fan does not invoke a Gift per se when activated. Instead, it allows a hengeyokai bearer who cannot normally step sideways (such as a Khan or Nagah) to roll Gnosis to do so as usual. Bearers who can already step sideways have their difficulty to do so reduced by 3 when the fan is activated. Obviously, to create one of these fetishes, one must bind the appropriate Wind-spirit into a fan of sufficient quality.
  • Silent Blade - Level 4, Gnosis 7 - Bound with the spirit of a caterpillar, the Silent Blade is designed specifically to be forgotten. When activated, this fetish wakizashi passes through opponents as though it were a ghost. Wounds inflicted in this way should be circled rather than crossed out - they contribute to wound penalties, heal before bashing damage and can even knock an opponent unconscious, but they cannot kill. After the scene, all ghost damage is healed immediately, and unless the victim succeeds at a Willpower roll (difficulty 8), he forgets ever even being hit with the sword. If the victim took no damage from any source other than the Silent Blade and fails the Willpower roll, then he forgets he was even attacked in the first place. Another effect occurs whenever the bearer of the blade meets the victim from that day onwards. While they cannot remember the conflict, the pain is subconsciously remembered in the presence of the sword. This sudden pain easily confuses and frightens the victim. For every health level inflicted with the Silent Blade while activated, the bearer receives one extra die to all Intimidation rolls made against the blade's former victim. The maximum benefit is five dice.
  • Earthquake Maul - Level 5, Gnosis 7 - This powerful staff usually takes a form similar to that of the iron-shod Japanese tetsubo, although no iron involved in its manufacture. As much club as staff, the Earthquake Maul is typically five or six feet in length, and as thick across as a large man's hand at the wide end, with a stone ring set into the end of the haft. The wood has been treated and shaped with sorceries, and is as hard as steel, with short, thick thorns protruding from its striking end. Some hengeyokai go on great spirit quests to find sufficient hong mu to manufacture a staff for use against the Kumo, although these weapons are significantly rarer. The staff does Strength +2 aggravated damage, difficulty 7, but its true power manifests against manmade objects. A wielder may activate the maul as he strikes such an object; the more success will blow a door off its hinges; three successes will shatter a concrete pillar; five successes will blast an armored car wide open. The damage done doesn't extend much beyond the striking area - the Earthquake Maul can't topple an office building on one shot - but can leave a swath of rubble as much as a foot across. Whether the fetish is activated or not, no manmade body armor can hold against the staff; opponents get no extra soak dice from Kevlar or the like. The maul takes its name from the Earthquake-spirit bound inside.
  • Balance Charm - Level 5, Gnosis 8 - The yin/yang is a symbol of dynamic balance. Two opposing forces of equal strength meet. They do not stand within strict boundaries, but each pushes into the other, and yet neither ever gains dominance over the other. This is real strength, and the source of real power. Those who would seek to be strong spend their lives bringing all their strengths into perfect balance. And those too impatient or rushed to do that cheat and use the Balance Charm. The Balance Charm is small and made of metal, inscribed with a Yin Yang on both sides and worn around the neck on a chain. It is then bound with the spirit of a crane. When activated, the spirit brings the balance in its own soul to that of the one wearing it, raising the bearer's temporary Rage, Gnosis and Willpower all to the same level, that of the highest temporary value. This can bring temporary values for these statistics above their permanent level. At the end of the scene, the wearer loses all but one temporary point in each category, exhausted from the stress of bearing so much internal energy. If the character has no temporary points left in any category, however, she gains a temporary point so that she still has one temporary point in each category. Balance is maintained.

List of Hengeyokai Talens[]

  • Yomi Slayer Spells - Gnosis 5 - These talens take the form of small sheets of rice paper with glyphs carefully inked across one side. The trick to making these fetishes is as old as paper itself, and even the humans have mimicked this magic in their own fashion. Even so, these hengeyokai talens are no less effective for their age. The hengeyokai must activate the Yomi Slayer Spell as he throws it at his opponent. The spell-paper, if activated, flies straight and true, adhering to any target which exudes the stench of the Centipede - and then exploding in a burst of white fire, causing a die of aggravated damage for each success on the activation roll. A hengeyokai must bind a fire elemental or War-spirit into the paper to create such a talen.


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