Helldivers are changelings taken to act as the Keepers' spies and thieves. Expected to go out into the mortal world, other realms of Arcadia, and the Hedge, these changelings are connected to their Arcadian masters by a silver string, through which the Other can yank them between realms. Escape necessitates breaking that string.
Once free, Helldivers often feel compelled to keep moving, seeking knowledge wherever they can find it.
Kith Blessing[]
Passive Blessing: Those of this kith excel in the use of Larceny in unearthly realms.
Dive: Helldivers are capable of spending Glamour to enter an incorporeal, invisible form, only capable of interacting with other such immaterial things (e.g. Hedge ghosts, other Helldivers, changelings using Whispers of Morning). When in this state, the changeling can enter the Underworld or Shadow through their gates with a further expenditure of Glamour. Leaving this state requires another point of Glamour.
- CTL: Changeling: The Lost Second Edition, p. 53-54
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