Helen Matthews is the Seventh Generation Ventrue Prince of Night City by 2020.
Helen was the daughter of an American Rail Baron in the late 1800s. She spent much of her time enjoying herself and looking for a husband. She did find the sort of man she was looking for: extremely wealthy, not very intelligent, easily manipulated and very handsome. A year after she married Henry Matthews, her father died. She was his only living descendant, so she and her husband inherited his wealth. Helen used her influence over Henry to control the money.
Jefferson McIntyre met her in the early 1890s, and was impressed by her confidence and poise. He was not fooled by the front she and Henry put to the world. After making her into his Ghoul for several years, he decided she could be very valuable to the Clan and Embraced her. Afterward, she used both her father’s and Henry’s business connections to set up a network of information and control in the business community, which she managed to maintain through the breakup of the Rail Empires and the Depression.
In the early 1990s, with life decidedly uncomfortable in her home town (New York), she attempted to gain control of Richard Night’s ‘Night City’ project. Unfortunately, the Giovanni moved too fast.
Now that the wars for control are mostly over, she is trying to decide how, exactly, to throw the Giovanni out. She has taken the position of Princess, refusing to call herself Prince.
A tall, willowy blonde with deep green eyes.
Character Sheet[]
Influence: As Princess of Night City, she is the pre-eminent Kindred acknowledged by the Camarilla. She also possesses control over Arasaka, Microtech and Network News 54. She does possess moderate, although not complete, control over Raven Microcybernetics and Orbital Air.
- WW: White Wolf Magazine 37, p. 55-56