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Heirs to the Shogunate is a 2021 release for Exalted Third Edition.


From the seller's page:

Centuries ago, the tumultuous Dragon-Blooded Shogunate ruled much of the known world. Its glory and grandeur fell into ashes amid the Great Contagion, but today new empires blaze high from its embers.
Haughty Dynasts feasting amid the stolen treasures of the Threshold; proud Seventh Legion officers clad in panoplies of jade; lone outcastes struggling to carve out a heroic legend at the world’s edge — they’re all heirs to the Shogunate, yet they each stand on their own as a prince of the earth.
Heirs to the Shogunate details the Realm’s cadet houses and secondary schools, the military city-state of Lookshy, Prasad’s expanding empire, the weird Forest Witches, and outcastes. It also contains new Dragon-Blooded Charms, heirloom artifacts, and Quick Characters. Lastly, it describes the impending Realm Civil War, including a fully playable scenario depicting the War in the West.



Chapter One: The Realm[]

Chapter Two: Lookshy[]

Chapter Three: Prasad[]

Chapter Four: The Forest Witches[]

Chapter Five: Outcastes[]

Chapter Six: Charms[]

Chapter Seven: Heirlooms of Power[]

Chapter Eight: Blood of the Dragons[]

Chapter Nine: The Center Cannot Hold[]

Appendix: Dragon-Blooded Intro Reference[]

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



Previous release:
Exalted: Lunars: Fangs at the Gate Map of Creation Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
Game Books
Exalted books
Next release:
Exalted: Hundred Devils Night Parade Collected Edition Buy it from DriveThruRPG!