Hau-hra of the Backward Face is a Bane Mummy.
A scribe in the Pharaoh's court, Hau-hra steeped himself overmuch in forbidden knowledge, then joined the cultists of Set in their freakish rites. Hau-hra used his position in the court to subvert the priesthoods of Ra and Osiris and elevate the cause of Set at every turn. Upon death, Hau-hra was raised into the ranks of the Children of Apophis. Of all the Bane mummies, Hau-hra was the most loyal to great Set, and the recent schism between the Followers and the Bane mummies has left Hau-hra uncertain of his direction. Hau-hra relieves stress by kidnapping women and children, then using his unusually flexible form to violate them in creative ways.
Mummy: The Resurrection Rulebook:
All Bane mummies share certain base Traits, as outlined in the following template. Additionally, each Bane mummy has unique quirks and powers, as detailed in the individual descriptions.
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6, Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0, Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Intimidation 7, Linguistics 3, Melee 3, Occult 5, Stealth 4, Survival 5
Powers: Two Hekau paths at 5, one at 4, one at 3, and one at 1. Additionally, Bane mummies' warped bodies often give them unique abilities.
Willpower: 5-10
Corruption: 7-10
Unique Power: Hau-hra's face is indeed on the back of his head, but his elbows and knees are double-jointed, allowing him 180 degrees of motion so that he may move forward or backward with equal facility. This flexibility provides Hau-hra with Dexterity 5 and Dodge 6. Additionally, Hau-hra is still an educated, droll creature with a dry - albeit twisted - sense of humor (Intelligence 5). He is more in touch with modern times than any of his fellows, save perhaps Tutu.
- VTM/WOD: Mummy, p. 66
- WOD: World of Darkness: Mummy Second Edition, p. 35
- MTR: Mummy: The Resurrection Rulebook, p. 199-200
- MTR/cMET: Laws of the Resurrection, p. 243-244