White Wolf Wiki

Hardscrabble Home is an Arcadian realm ruled by the True Fae known as Long-Arm Jack.


This domain is a dangerous, barren, rocky wasteland that runs along one edge of Arcadia. Its master, Long-Arm Jack, collects the Lost, particularly those running from crueler Keepers. Captured changelings are sworn into his service for seven years (or seven sevenfold, and so on), after which they are permitted to leave, provided they have served him well.

Changelings from this place tend to become Ogres, particularly Farwalkers, who patrol the mountains for other escapees, and Cyclopeans, who look after Jack’s fruit trees as they recover from their old cannibalistic habits.

There is no easy passage into the Hedge from Hardscrabble Home, which is likely the reason why Long-Arm Jack’s servants all come from those escaping other Gentry.

