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Hans Schmidt was an 11th generation Tremere resident of Washington, D.C.


Dr. Hans Schmidt was a great occultist and researcher in Nazi Germany, who was tasked to find occult treasures on Hitler's orders. A staunch supporter of the Nazi ideology, Schmidt's research earned him the interest of clan Tremere, and he was brought into the fold. He was later assigned to Inner Councilor Meerlinda and moved to the United States, settling in Washington D.C. There he began research on occult matters at the National Archive and the Library of Congress, reporting back to Meerlinda when he found something of value, as well as events within the city. Schmidt is seen as a valuable asset to the Clan as a whole.

Unknown to the rest of the Tremere, however, Schmidt has dabbled in Dark Thaumaturgy even before his Embrace, and seeks to subvert the Washington chantry. He has remained an unapologetic Nazi up to this day, especially hating the Nosferatu. Under order of his infernal patrons, he has founded the Followers of the Body of God, a demonic cult that practices human sacrifice.


Schmidt is a clean-shaven, gray-haired man, about 5'4" tall. He wears glasses and a business suit except when performing rituals. He speaks with a slight German accent.

Character Sheet[]

