Hank Machak is a Mokolé police officer in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Hank and his partner, Lucas Dawnish, responded to a reported break-in at a small museum. The curator, Amos Roland, claimed that the thief looked a literal bear, and ran off without taking anything; Hank noted what looked like Garou claw-marks in the floor. Dawnish derided the story and mocked Amos for being openly gay. Hank, who was also gay, felt uncomfortable but didn't speak up. He also tried to dissuade Amos from talking about the "bear" he saw, which clearly made Amos angry.
After his shift, Hank offered Amos a ride home and apologized for how he'd treated him back at the museum. The two men ended up sleeping together. Afterward, Hank found several strange stones in Amos's front room. Amos said they were part of the same set as the stones that were damaged in the break-in, but Hank was shocked to realize they were etched with lore of the Mokolé.
A large Bastet broke into Amos' house moments later, and Hank told Amos to run while he fought back. During the fight, he realized the Bastet was Dawnish, but Dawnish clearly hadn't suspected Hank was a Mokolé. He defeated Dawnish easily, only to realize that Amos hadn't run. They argued briefly about keeping secrets: Hank always saw being closeted as the same thing as keeping his Fera nature hidden, but Amos believed keeping that kind of secret is harmful. He decided to wait with Amos until the police arrived to arrest Dawnish, agreeing that they would report him for an attempted gay-bashing.