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Gwilym Pugh is a Seelie Boggan Grump and the Seneschal of the Principality of Gwynedd in Cymru, the land mortals know as Wales.



Gwilym is only one in a long line of commoner seneschals "holding down the fort" for the changelings in Gwynedd until a high king returns who can restore the lost realm of Powys and lead the Tylwyth Teg as a united people into a new Spring. Many nobles, like Dylan and Gwrly, value Gwylim's opinions and wisdom. He gained great honor and respect in the War of Ivy.

In his mortal seeming, Gwilym Pugh lives in the small village of Penmachno. He is a widower with three daughters. The youngest, Susan, lives at home and helps run the family business. He is very much a people person and especially loves animals and children. As he ages, he feels the need of finding a successor to his office. He He still hopes, though, that he will see a new high king of Cymru in his lifetime.

He does worry, however, about Susan. She seems unhappy about not being Kithain. He loves her dearly and it couldn't matter less to him that she is not fae.



In both human and fae mien, Gwilym is a small, darkly tanned man with receding black hair and rough hands. In human seeming he appears strong and wiry but more plump and stocky as a fae. The pleasant scents of leather-soap, hay, and horses sticks to him and his clothes are those of a farmer and outdoorsman. His one treasure is his silver shod, carved birch staff of office.


Gwilym's only treasure is his staff of office, a carved birch tod shod in silver. The staff can store up to ten points pf Glamour, making it indeed useful.


Court: Seelie
Legacies: Regent/Fatalist
House: Gwydion (affiliation)
Seeming: Grump
Kith: Boggan
Motley: Cantrev of Snowdonia
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Diplomacy 2, Empathy 3, Expression 3, Intimidation 2, Kenning 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 1
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Climbing 1, Crafts 1, Etiquette 3, Leadership 1, Melee 2, Performance 1, Ride 3, Security 1, Stealth 1, Survival 2
Knowledges: Enigmas 2, Heraldry 3, Investigation 2, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Medicine 2, Mythlore 3, Occult 1, Politics 2
Arts: Dream-Craft 2, Legerdemain 3, Primal 5, Soothsay 1, Sovereign 1, Wayfare 3
Realms: Actor 5, Nature 3, Fae 2, Scene 3
Backgrounds: Chimera 2, Contacts 3, Holdings 5, Resources 2, Treasures 3
Glamour: 7
Banality: 5
Willpower: 8

