Gustus is the unique Discipline of the Macellarius bloodline. It grants the Macellarius digestive abilities far beyond those of mortals, allowing them to live up to their nickname as Gluttons.
Pound of Flesh - allows the vampire to consume raw human flesh, digesting it into Vitae.
Gorge - allows the Glutton to store additional Vitae in his body fat, beyond his normal limit.
Befoul - the Glutton can convert a drop of Vitae into a potent soporific poison.
Disgorge - the vampire vomits up acidic Vitae from his stomach, causing horrible wounds or destroying objects.
Puissance of Flesh - the Glutton is able to temporarily take on some of the strength, skills, or powers of a mortal or vampire whose flesh he consumes.
- VTR: Bloodlines: The Legendary
, pp. 100-102