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Examining a Soul Brush, by Pia Guerra.

Gurahl Fetishes are fetishes unique to the Gurahl.


Gurahl lack the inborn desire to accumulate items, but they do occasionally make and appreciate useful fetishes. Always mindful of the spirits that these fetish items contain, the Gurahl craft their fetishes with an eye for beauty as well as function. The following items provide a representative sample of Gurahl creations.

List of Gurahl Fetishes[]

  • Bill of the Bear: Horn of Fenris[1][2]
  • Life Dish - Level 1, Gnosis 5 - Despite the troubles that the werebears as a whole endure, they are not wholly bereft of fetish innovation. Such innovation is isolated, individual, and rarely passed along to the breed as a whole - but sometimes it catches on quickly. One example of this innovation can be found in a fairly new fetish called the Life Dish. Modern war places injured soldiers into one of three different groups: those who will live even if not treated, those who will probably die even if they are treated, and those who will live if treated and die if not treated. This last group is the group that the Gurahl concerns themselves with most. One enterprising Gurahl created the Life Dish in the interest of improving the accuracy of these predictions. The Life Dish, a shallow wooden bowl, works by being placed upon the chest of the injured and being activated. If the injured person is going to die within the next hour, the sunflower-spirit within the dish will turn the water ice-cold. Should they be perfectly likely to live, the water will be boiling hot. If the circumstances will determine life or death, the water temperature is somewhere in between.
  • Claws of the Cave Bear - Level 3, Gnosis 4 - The daggers known as Claws of the Cave Bear contain slivers of fossilized bone from the prehistoric ancestors of modern bears. When used by a Gurahl, these daggers inflict aggravated damage on their opponents, although they do no more damage than normal daggers. In addition, these daggers give off a soft growl when in the presence of a Wyrm-creature, making it difficult for an individual carrying one of the Claws to be ambushed or surprised by minions of the Pattern Breaker.
  • Mother Tongues - Level 3, Gnosis 5 - These intricately carved stones resemble the fetish animals made popular by the renewed interest in shamanic studies. Each stone allows the user to understand and speak (within physical limitations) the secret language of the Changing Breed it represents. Only a handful of these stones exist - and the Gurahl hold most of them in trust against the day when Gaia's first-born feel they can once more share their knowledge with their younger Changing brothers and sisters. Mother Tongues in the Gurahl's possession include ones that allow them to speak and understand the languages of the Bastet, Corax, Nuwisha, Garou, Ratkin and, some believe, the Mokolé. Whether or not stones even exist which correspond to the Rokea and Ananasi is a subject often debated among the Gurahl elders during council meetings. In all, about a dozen of these stones were created and only the most trusted Gurahl are allowed to use them.
  • Charm of One Mind - Level 3, Gnosis 6 - This fetish would have been highly useful many years ago. A charm made from bark washed in raindrops, the charm is worn like a headband, dangling down just between the eyes. When activated the fetish flashes images in front of the Gurahl's eyes, letting them know what the other Gurahl within a one-mile distance are doing and seeing. It was useful for coordinating efforts between many Gurahl in times of great need. And it would be useful today were there many Gurahl left to use it. But as they are, the situations in which this charm would prove beneficial are rare indeed. The only time in which more than one Gurahl are found together is when a cub is being protected, and in those cases the elder won't let the cub out of her sight. But many Gurahl still possess fetishes of this nature, as something of a sign of hope. In a more vibrant fetish culture, a fetish similarly outdated would have been retired. But the Gurahl, scattered and without the resources that help to encourage fetish culture, simply can't afford to replace it.
  • Aurgra: Heralds of the Horn - Level 3, Gnosis 7[3]
  • Rattle-trap - Level 3, Gnosis 7 - These fetishes were first made for the great hibernations of the Gurahl. These periods are a dangerous time for werebears, as they are helpless if enemies find their hiding place. The rattle-trap helps balance the odds by giving a hibernating werebear a chance to defend herself. A Gurahl can also use the rattle-trap during normal sleep.
  • Soul Brush - Level 4, Gnosis 5 - Looking like nothing more than a slender twig slightly frayed at one end, this fetish, in the hands of a Gurahl artist, becomes a paint brush capable of painting a portrait of its subject's true nature (as the Gift: Eyes of the Soul). Turgiv Bruzov, a noted Gurahl portrait painter, smuggled half a dozen of these precious items out of Russia just after World War II. No one knows how many more Soul Brushes Bruzov created. Like other members of the Changing Breeds in the former Soviet Union, his fate and current whereabouts are unknown.
  • Net of Stars - Level 5, Gnosis 5 - When activated, this finely woven net (similar to a fishing seine) emits a silvery glow akin to starlight. The Net of Stars has several uses. If cast upon the water, the Net fills with enough fish to feed a horde of hungry bears or several Gurahl with Crinos appetites. If successfully tossed toward an enemy in combat, the Net traps its victim in an almost unbreakable hold, rendering movement impossible until the victim is released; breaking free of the Net requires a Feat of Strength equivalent to lifting 1000 pounds. Trolling the Net in contaminated water has a purifying effect, though this only works on finite bodies of water such as lakes, wells or ponds. Bear-spirits are the preferred inhabitants of the Net of Stars.

List of Gurahl Talens[]

  • Same Rock - Gnosis 5 - Some fetishes retain their usefulness throughout the ages. The Same Rock is a very old Gurahl trick designed to throw off pursuit, confuse attackers, and generally mix up enemies badly. It takes the shape of an ordinary rock, bound with an air-spirit inside. To activate the fetish, the Gurahl (hidden and from a distance) points the rock at the group she intends to confuse and then places it in their path. The rock instantly grows and warps until it becomes exactly the same as a distinctive boulder that they had previously seen. It also draws attention to itself, so much so that very few of the targets can see the other landmarks that clearly indicate the different location. As a result, the victims often become puzzled, change directions, and otherwise become utterly lost. Those who are targeted by the Same Rock must make an Intelligence + Survival roll (difficulty 8) to avoid being taken in by the deception.
  • Ursa's Healing Balm - Level 3, Gnosis 3 - This sweet-smelling paste has the consistency and color of honey. When spread on a wound, it heals up to three Health Levels of damage, either normal or aggravated. It also acts as a sealant for bleeding wounds. The Healing Balm's antiseptic properties prevent infection and are useful for lowering even the highest fevers.


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