White Wolf Wiki

The Guild of Electrodyne Engineers are a Convention of the Technocratic Union, and form the core of the rebellious movement known to later generations as the Sons of Ether.



Early History[]

Dark Ages[]


Victorian Age[]

During the Albertan Reformation of 1851, the Voltarian Order of the Order of Reason were reforged as the Guild of Electrodyne Engineers. The new Convention were split between the Grand Faculty and League of Constructors political blocs.

This lasts until the Victorian Reformation of 1897, when the blocs themselves became new Conventions: the Grand Faculty becomes the Progenitors, and the League of Constructors becomes Iteration X.

When ether is eliminated from the Consensus around 1904, the many former Engineers defect from the Technocracy and join the Council of Nine Mystic Traditions, renaming themselves the Sons of Ether.



The Guild is divided into two factions:

The Voltarian Order, named after the Guild's predecessor organization, are more practical -- the titular Engineers -- and work with electricity.

The secretive Society of Ether prefer to work in the realm of the theoretical. Having learned from the example of the Cabal of Pure Thought, they know the dangers of publicly advocating for something no one else can see. When ether is wiped from the Consensus, it's the Society of Ether that form the core of the group that ultimately defects to the Council of Nine Mystic Traditions, calling themselves the Sons of Ether.


Technocratic Union Blocs and Conventions (Mage: The Ascension: Victorian Age)
Exploratory Society Society of Celestial Masters · Void Seekers
Grand Faculty Guild of Analytical Reckoners · Guild of Electrodyne Engineers · Hippocratic Circle
Ivory Tower Lightkeepers · Skeleton Keys
League of Constructors Guild of Analytical Reckoners · Guild of Electrodyne Engineers · International Brotherhood of Mechanicians
Syndicate Golden Guild · Invisible Exchequer
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