White Wolf Wiki



Early History[]

Dark Ages[]


Victorian Age[]

During the Albertan Reformation of 1851, the Difference Engineers of the Order of Reason were reforged as the Guild of Analytical Reckoners, after the new analytical engine. The new Convention was split between two political blocs: the Grand Faculty and the League of Constructors.

In July 1880, the Reckoners petition to have their name changed to Virtual Adepts in celebration of their discovery of virtual space.

This lasted until the Victorian Reformation of 1897, when the both political blocs became Conventions in their own right: the Grand Faculty became the Progenitors and the League of Constructors became Iteration X. The majority of Virtual Adepts join up with Iteration X.



  • human mind
The creator of the Order, Bryan Armor, says the following:
From what I remember, the Analytical Reckoners would've had one based on the human mind as a means of collecting, analysing and communicating information, including memory palaces and the scientific study of psychic abilities.
It's likely that there would have been antecedents to other Methodologies from the Virtual Adepts, as well.


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Technocratic Union Blocs and Conventions (Mage: The Ascension: Victorian Age)
Exploratory Society Society of Celestial Masters · Void Seekers
Grand Faculty Guild of Analytical Reckoners · Guild of Electrodyne Engineers · Hippocratic Circle
Ivory Tower Lightkeepers · Skeleton Keys
League of Constructors Guild of Analytical Reckoners · Guild of Electrodyne Engineers · International Brotherhood of Mechanicians
Syndicate Golden Guild · Invisible Exchequer