Great Maelstrom is a term used by Wraiths to describe a super-maelstrom.
Great Maelstroms are unleashed in times of great death and destruction in the mortal world. In recorded history, there have only been six. The dating system of Stygia measures time by the number of years since the beginning of the last Great Maelstrom. For example, 2025 would be Anno Stygiae 80 Post Quintum, or Anno Stygiae 26 Post Sexium.
The Six Great Maelstroms[]
The six Great Maelstroms happened in the following order:
- First Great Maelstrom - The Fall of Rome, 476 CE
- Second Great Maelstrom - Black Plague, 1342
- Third Great Maelstrom - Conquest of Americas, 1605
- Fourth Great Maelstrom - World War I and Spanish Flu, 1916-1929
- Fifth Great Maelstrom - World War II, 1945
- Sixth Great Maelstrom - Week of Nightmares, 1999-present
- WTO: Wraith: The Oblivion Second Edition, p. 65, 68, 71, 73, 75
- WTO: Ends of Empire