White Wolf Wiki

The Great Bargain was a pact made between the Lost and the Lady of Life Beyond Death during the time of the Web of Seven. It was linked with the phenomenon known as the Miasma, which bolstered all the wonders tied to the Bargain.


A deal whose facets were scrawled on the face of the Great Pyramid, the Bargain prevented the Others from entering the mortal world — bar during epagomenae, five days of the year in which they had free reign.

Struck with the construction of the Great Pyramid, the Lost, specifically the group known as the Dream Builders, later splintered the Bargain, attaching pieces of its Glamour to other wonders, spreading its effects across the Hellenistic world. Though the True Fae regularly attempted to have wonders destroyed to sabotage the Bargain, it presented enough time to the changelings to permit the rebuilding of a wonder.

Eventually, the Bargain strained to the point of snapping with the fall of the Colossus of Rhodes, eliminating the Miasma and ushering in an age of terror for the Lost.

