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White Wolf Wiki

Grünfeld Bach is a hunter with the Society of Leopold, who desperately wants to destroy Sebastian LaCroix. Both Bach's father and grandfather had been hunters, and had been killed by LaCroix.

See this article on the VTM Bloodlines Wiki:
Grünfeld Bach


Rumors abound among his followers about his history: that he saw his own mother eaten alive by a coven of witches, that he once killed an elder vampire with his bare hands, or even that he's the reincarnated Saint Leopold, come to lead his armies into the final battle against the armies of darkness. The most plausible, however, is that he once killed a member of the Society because he refused to follow orders.

Bach's grandfather pursued LaCroix to Africa, where LaCroix killed him (and probably met the Sheriff). Bach's father later tracked LaCroix to London, where he likewise met his death. Finally, Bach himself tracked LaCroix across America.

After arriving in Los Angeles, Bach set fire to Grout's mansion in an attempt to kill him as a servant of LaCroix. When that failed, he kidnapped Professor Ingvar Johansen to the Society's LA headquarters in an attempt to draw out LaCroix, but was disappointed to lure only the prince's agent.

After being defeated by the agent, before succumbing to his wounds, he set off explosives to bring down the Society's headquarters in a last-ditch attempt to kill the agent.


Background Information[]

  • Bach is truly devout and possesses a degree of True Faith: he can perform the miracle of holy shielding, as well as a ward which blinds vampires briefly, allowing him to escape. The distances he can cover while the target is blinded are considerable: he may also possess a degree of enhanced speed or even teleportation.
  • Bach becomes the player's mentor in the Prelude mod for Bloodlines.

