Gordon Keaton was an Anarch Caitiff from Chicago.
Gordon was yuppie before yuppie was cool. A successful young advertising executive in early 1970s, he lived in a fashionable 24th floor condo in Chicago's Gold Coast, owned a sporty German car and all the electronic gadgets which make life truly worth living. His advertising campaigns were always successful, his parents were no longer around to bother him with their FDR-Liberal-Democrat crap, and the world was his oyster. It was just this lifestyle, along with an ad campaign to parody the Black Panthers, which earned him the enmity of Theodore Dooley.
Dooley's original plan was to simply drink Gordon dry. However, when the time came, he decided to take a cue from the Malkavians' book and see if he could drive Keaton mad while turning him into a Vampire. For a week, Dooley kept Gordon locked in a closet in the as exec's own stylish pad, draining him of a little more blood every day. During this week, Dooley searched high and low for someone close to Gordon, so he could torture the executive with the Neonate's worst dilemma - the Hunger against the life of a love one. But he could find no one - Gordon seemed to love only himself. Finally, in despair, Dooley kidnapped a neighbor's seven-year-old boy and tied him up in a chair. He then proceeded to transform Gordon into one of the Undead, and let the emaciated and starving Vampire out of the closet. Gordon, unable to summon the strength to fight Dooley, gladly sucked all the Vitae from the boy's body in the space of a few heartbeats, and them turned on his Sire.
However, he was not a match for the older Vampire. Dooley, disgusted at Gordon's willingness to drink the child's blood, threw him through the balcony doors and into the Lake Michigan below. Gordon survived the long fall, and managed to swim to a houseboat docked on the lake. He slew the family living there and spent several weeks recuperating on board.
Most of Gordon's life since his change has been spent trying to get revenge on Dooley. During the upheavals of the mid-80s, he ambushed another black Vampire whom he thought was his Sire, and drank him dry. While he soon discovered his mistake in slaying the wrong Vampire, he also discovered the secret about drinking an older Cainite's Vitae. He was quick to discover that blood from Vampires of the same generation or younger did not have a similar effect.
Gordon was the oldest Caitiff in the city and became a leader among this branch of the Anarchs. He himself was not as much interested in the goals of the Anarchs as in increasing his own personal power. While his preferred method of hunting was to kill his victims, he was careful to hide or destroy his victims' corpses to avoid Lodin's wrath. Dooley continued to watch him carefully, but eventually came to think of Gordon more as an ally than an enemy.
One of Gordon's havens was in Madame's brothel. Another one was a top-floor condo with tinted windows.
Gordon was promised the secrets of Thaumaturgy if he did certain favors for the Tremere Chantry[1]. He was often found at the Chantry being taught "Arcane Lore" by one of the Tremere in preparation for setting him to certain task that would further their end. It is not clear whether he had managed to do anything in return or not before his Final Death.
Gordon was killed and decapitated by werewolves in 1993 during the War of Chicago[2].
Character Sheet[]
Image: Tall, dark, and handsome. Stands 6 feet tall, weighs 185 pounds, with deep tan skin and dark brown hair. No facial hair. Always exceedingly well-dressed.
Roleplaying Hints: You do your best to make a good first impression, agreeing with people and speaking in your most flattering tones. If you are disturbed or threatened, you become much more testy, snapping at anyone and anything.
Haven: Madame's brothel. Also has a top-floor condo with tinted windows.
Secrets: B
Influence: Gordon relies on Madame for most of his material needs so he can concentrate on his own fanatical lust for power.
- VTM: Chicago by Night, p. 73-74
- VTM: Chicago by Night Second Edition, p. 60
- ↑ VTM: Chicago by Night, p. 157
- ↑ VTM/WTA: Under a Blood Red Moon, p. 62