Gonji Pure Mountain is a former Hakken who became a Stargazer.
This recent convert was previously a Hakken Shadow Lord. He was a cruel warrior and a leader of his pack, but a battle with hungry ghosts - vampires - caused him to doubt the efficacy of his path. While his doubt was instilled by a vampire's mind-persuasion trick, in the end it led him to Zama, a Stargazer monk living at a Shinto shrine. Zama sensed the young Garou's ill-at-ease soul, and offered to lead a purification rite. During the ritual, Gonji saw a vision of Chimera, who told him to abandon his false path and follow the Truth. Gonji begged Zama to accept him as a Stargazer.
Instead of directly honoring his request, Zama sent Gonji on a quest to China to visit a Stargazer caern there. He figured that if Gonji arrived and no longer wanted to leave his own tribe, there was no harm in it. But if the intent was still pure in his heart, then the Stargazers there would test him and see if he was worthy. He returned a year later, having been accepted and trained by a monk there. He requested that Zama become his mentor and teach him everything else he needed to know. Zama accepted.
Gonji has suffered threats from his previous tribe, who consider what he has done to be most disloyal and dishonorable. But Gonji does not doubt his decision. Some of the rift between them was healed when a western Black Spiral Dancer began causing trouble for the tribe. They could not catch him, but Gonji cleverly figured out where his lair was, and waited for him to arrive. When he left the corrupt Garou's severed head at the door of his former elder's home, his old tribe knew that Gonji had not grown weak after leaving the tribe. They have since made gestures of reconciliation, curious about what Gonji has learned since his conversion.
- WTA: Stargazers Tribebook, p. 68