White Wolf Wiki

Gnuris One-Eye is an Get of Fenris Lupus Ahroun from Chicago.[1].


Gnuris is very old. He was born a wolf in Germany during the 1920s. He stayed in Germany until Hitler rose to power, after which he and his pack moved to Spain to escape the Wyrm. Gnuris' packmates were all killed during the 1950s in a battle with Black Spirals.

Afterward, he traveled to America to make a fresh start, since he had no desire to return to Germany. After proving his intentions, he was accepted into the Sept of the Wind Catchers. Over the years he has slowly acquired more power and responsibility. He is now the strongest leader in the sept. Though he is respected, the respect comes more out of fear than love. Though he is a harsh disciplinarian, punishing all who break the rules of the sept and the Litany. On the other hand, he has proven to be an outstanding leader during the war.


Breed: Lupus
Auspice: Ahroun
Tribe: Get of Fenris
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 7, Charisma 3, Manipulation 0, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Intimidation 5, Primal-Urge 4, Firearms 3, Melee 4, Stealth 3, Survival 4, Enigmas 4, Occult 3, Rituals 5, Game Playing 2, Leadership 4, Linguistics 3, Leech (Kindred) Lore 2, Tactics 4
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 5, Influence 1, Kinfolk 4, Pure Breed 2, Resources 2
Gifts: Heightened Senses, Sense the Unnatural, Elemental Gift, Razor Claws, Inspiration, The falling Touch, Silver Claws, Stoking Fury's Furnace, Strength of Will, Resist Pain, Snarl of the Predator, Might of Thor, Hero's Stand, Horde of Valhalla, Fenris' Bite
Rank: 5
Fetishes: Mask of the Owl, which grants the ability to see in absolute darkness (including Obtenebration) and "Bastard's Son," an ancient iron sword containing a spirit which curses anyone hit by it, causing the victim to suffer rotten luck for months.
Rage 6-9, Gnosis 7, Willpower 9

