White Wolf Wiki

According to the Hollywood Celebrity Database found in Ground 0 Net Cafe,

Swan, a name synonymous with beauty and glamour to this day, was a great celebrity of the late forties and early fifties. Her credits included such movies as 'Gilded Hummingbirds' and 'When No Means Yes'. After her passing in 1964, she is interred in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery mausoleum.

A courier working for Isaac Abrams stashed a delivery, the first part of a horrific snuff film, in Ginger Swan's crypt in the mausoleum when he began to get paranoid of being followed: fears which turned out to be true.

Some time after the tape was retrieved by the prince's agent, the Nightly News @ 9 reported the crypt had been "vandalized" with damages estimated at over a thousand dollars.


  • Dead Ex

Background Information[]

  • Flynn Boyle claims to be unfamiliar with Ginger Swan, but has plenty of videos starring Ginger Twister.
  • Isaac claims Ginger's been dead since the 50s, but both the Nightly News and Hollywood Celebrity Database date her death to 1964. He also claims that her heyday was 70 years ago, placing it in 1934, before her film career started. Given the contradictory evidence, it's likely the long-lived Isaac is just remembering inaccurately.

