Gianni D'Angelo is a Nosferatu detective in New York City.
D'Angelo fancies himself an undead detective. With a knack for gathering information and getting into places he’s not supposed to be, and a habit of verbally narrating his own actions, he's the spitting image of a neo-noir private eye. He has a few ties to the Camarilla structures--chief among them an occasional ally in Qadir al-Asmai--but most often, he works alone. One reason is that he does not shy away from cases presented to him by the Anarchs, or the much maligned thin-bloods.
A self-proclaimed detective extraordinaire with a penchant for noir drama, a knack for getting tangled in conspiracies, and more than a few unresolved issues. While he considers himself an autarkis, he has qualms about aligning with either of the New York City sects when it suits his interests. He crossed paths with Ravnos Kali during her occasional business in the city a couple of years ago, marking the start of what might be considered a friendship--if you squint hard enough
In 2024, Kali and Pádraic Conroy meet D'Angelo at his bureau in Brooklyn, searching for her Reynard Cassel. The dangerous events happening across the city made him leave the city.
D'Angelo is the one responsible for tracking and bringing Sana to Qadir, who promptly executed her.
Like the detectives that he models himself on, D'Angelo might seem crude or cynical, but he's more empathetic than he lets on. He is a paranoid investigator and heavy smoker.