White Wolf Wiki

Gere Hunts-the-Hunters is a Homid Ahroun Get of Fenris.


Not all those who hunt humans are Red Talons. Gere has declared open season on the wolf hunters of Alaska. Gere believes in teaching his prey lessons: He has recently taken to stripping the hunters he catches of all their weapons and leaving them to survive alone on the frozen tundra. If the hunters have actually killed any wolves, he slices their hamstrings and dresses them in the fur of the animal they slaughtered - after removing their tongues. Those who do not bleed to death either starve or are shot by other hunters.

If they have not actually killed any wolves, he takes their shoes and clothing and leaves them to fend for themselves as they walk back across the tundra. One has survived to tell of his experiences, and he has sworn never again to hunt wolves.

Nobody knows precisely where Gere developed his anger against wolf hunters; he obviously isn't lupus and seems fairly new to Alaska. He doesn't discuss his past, and few are willing to push the issue.

Gere's savagery shocks and dismays many gentler Garou, but just as many werewolves nod, agreeing that something indeed needs to be done. His tribemates are particularly proud of his actions and have honored him with a powerful scar fetish. He is rarely willing to leave Alaska. Gere has met the Black Fury Volcheka Ibarruri on one occasion; despite the enmity between their tribes, the two parted as friends.


Gere in Homid form is a burly man with blond hair and a mustache, dressed like any other hunter or trapper. He has a low, gruff voice and speaks tersely. In Crinos form, he becomes a huge, dark-gray brute. The faint smell of blood often follows Gere.

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