George Holochwost, sometimes credited as George Holochwost II, is an author who has written in several White Wolf game books, especially for the Chronicles of Darkness.
- 2014/November 5: MTC: Book of the Deceived
- 2013/April 4: MTC: Eve of Judgment
- 2013/April 4: MTC: Mummy: The Curse Player's Book
- 2013/March 27: MTC: Mummy: The Curse Rulebook
- 2007/August 16: CofD: World of Darkness: Asylum
- 2007/April 4: NG: Tome of Artifacts
- 2007/January 24: VTR: Belial's Brood
- 2005/August 1: Exalted: Aspect Book: Wood
- 2004/November 29: SL: Strange Lands: Lost Tribes of the Scarred Lands