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Gengis, real name Rupert Levine, is a twelfth generation Brujah and an influential Anarch of Chicago but is no slouch in wielding influence over the Anarchs and the kine and he is still unsure of how best to use it. This is all new to him, until recently, he was merely a poster boy with little power. Now, with the Brujah defection to the Anarchs, his moves are under constant scrutiny. For the time being, he mostly follows the trends of the vocal left-wing kine, which has served him well so far. However, he is eager to meet with like-minded Kindred to develop some grand plans for the city.


1st & 2nd Edition[]

Gengisis one of the Anarchs’ greatest supporters - he rebels impulsively and reflexively. He was created in the late '60s by a Brujah who was passing through on her way to the west coast and was attracted briefly by his sense of style; his Sire moved on after, and he has had to learn to make his own way in Vampire society. In the 70s he was one of the first punks, and he has never given up that style of appearance - it fits him too well.

Gengis hates the Elders, and is solidly pro-Anarch. There is nothing he likes better than a good fight, especially if blood is spilled. He has not yet recognized his own immortality, but is little concerned with his own safety. Though he would never admit it - even to himself - he is very much a conformist (to punk and Anarch values) and always wants to follow the group. If he thinks of someone as being “cool,” he will want to follow and emulate that person, and after a time, will seek guidance and advice from the person whom he considers to be the leader. If a character comes across as a powerful leader, Gengis will instantly and naturally fall into his or her orbit.

Though he appears as a punk when he goes about the world, Gengis has a well-kept condo where he likes to watch Chicago Bulls games and cook meals for a number of Yuppie friends he has somehow made over the years. They don’t realize that he is a Vampire (what an absurd idea!), but they do know he’s somewhat weird.

5th Edition[]

Mortal Days[]

Gengis comes in two shades. The legend and the truth behind it.

Despite being born into a rich family, Gengis was a wild child. He was a part of the punk movement in the Chicago area in the early ‘70s, dressing and acting the part with leather, tattoos, piercings, and plenty of spikes. His mother disapproved but loved him all the same, calling it a “phase” before making the punk rocker’s bed.

He followed garage bands and loved being part of the scene. For the time, he was far out there, and society treated him as such. He got to rebel at night and enjoy fine food and accommodation during the day. It was the perfect mix of hypocrisy that often accompanies youthful rebellion. He and his father would frequently go to Chicago Bulls games together when the team first formed, and despite the incongruous sight of a man in a cardigan sitting next to a pierced hulk of a youth, the two always took courtside seats together.

It was his outlandish style and in-your-face attitude that drew his sire’s attention. She forced the Embrace on Gengis, wildly passionate over his Trotskyite speeches at a local dive bar. She only spent a couple of weeks with him, leaving his side when she realized this purported communist was living off an allowance from his bourgeois parents.

For Gengis’ part, he kept up the lifestyle even after his parents passed away and he inherited their property and investments.

Kindred Nights[]

Throughout the years, Gengis frequently enjoyed playing the troll when it came to the established Camarilla. He always tried to work toward undermining the elders within the city, though his methods may not have been as covert as he believed them to be. His destructive actions often led to a snowball effect, with Gengis ending up on the losing side of a battle he was unprepared to fight. It was Gengis who pointed Lupines at Lodin's penthouse, hoping a change in leadership would make for equality in the domain of Chicago. Instead, it resulted in a lot of his friends getting killed. Feeling immense guilt, Gengis resolved to never again go off half-cocked.

Turbulence and discord can be an Anarch’s best friend, and with the recent ascension of Kevin Jackson along with the Second Inquisition’s appearance, Gengis is in his element. Between the Chicago protest marches, as well as many of the elders disappearing, Gengis has turned into a rather charismatic leader, more so out of need than desire.

When the Brujah left the Camarilla, Gengis took many of the Chicago clan members under his protection. Breaking out from his former follower mentality, welcoming his brothers and sisters into the Movement, he helped them get established safely despite Prince Jackson’s scrutiny. He helped them acclimate to the drastically different culture of the Anarchs, showing them the ropes and how to fit in. He also makes sure they stay connected if they choose to travel or move.

Gengis’ part in the kine’s anti-fascist movements have increased his prominence. Chicago has been a central point in the #Resist movement, with frequent protests, rallies, and riots. With his punk lifestyle, counter-culture mentality, and new outlook on leadership, he fits right in with those looking to cause a little chaos. Kevin Jackson is all too aware of this but knows stopping the movement would tilt the Anarchs in his direction. Gengis is therefore allowed a certain amount of freedom, though Jackson’s heel grows increasingly close to the Brujah’s head.

Gengis continues to remind the Prince he is still in the city, and he is a force to be reckoned with. He frequently uses his pull within the kine to make sure these marches are large and disruptive. It’s Gengis’ way of letting the Camarilla know they are not the only ones controlling the herd. Whether this will continue to work or not is anyone’s guess, but Gengis seems to think this is a good path for him to walk down. He’s a hero for the common Anarch.

But of course, by dawn he’s back in his penthouse haven, sleeping in silk sheets in one of the most expensive parts of Chicago. It’s hard being the leader of the revolution.


Gengis takes heavy inspiration from the punk-rock era of the ‘80s and ‘90s. He sports a leather jacket, a dagger tattoo over his right ear, and a safety pin through his nose. His shaved head adds to his intimidating appearance. He hasn’t changed this look in over two decades. During riots, Gengis often wears a black bandana around his mouth, evoking imagery associated with the Antifa movement.

Character Sheets[]

CbN 1st & 2nd Edition[]

Image: With a shaven head, a dagger tattoo just above his right ear, and a safety pin in his nose, it is readily apparent that this man is out in left field. In fact, he's so far out he's in the bleachers.

Roleplaying Hints: Slowly nod your head and narrow your eyes. Speak forcefully, but never directly, about the subject at hand.

Haven: Gengis lives in a condo near the Gold Coast.

Secrets: D

Influence: Gengis's Herd consists of yuppies, but they wield little political power. He holds no significant sway over the mortal world.

Fifth Edition



  • Much like most early characters, depending upon the source material, Gengis' age and the time of his embrace conflict with one another. With births ranging from 1948 in AtA, 1954 in CbN 1st Ed, to 1954 in CbN 2nd and CbN 5th. And embraces ranging from 1967 in AtA, 1972 in CbN 1st Ed and CbN 5th, and 1968 in CbN 2nd Ed. What's currently used in the VTM Character Infobox are the ones stated in V5.

