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Geist: The Sin-Eaters Second Edition is the second version of Geist: The Sin-Eaters, updated to use the new rulesets as detailed in the Chronicles of Darkness.


From the Onyx Path catalogue:

You are dead. You shuffled off this mortal coil, passed away, bought the farm, or any of a thousand other quaint metaphors we use to avoid staring into the face of our own mortality.
You are not dead. Something else was more important – you didn't have time to lie quiet in your grave, you had things that needed doing. And on the cusp of dissolution, at the crossroads of this world and the next, you met something that felt the same way.
Now you walk the world with living flesh and dead eyes, eyes that can't help but see the plight of the for gotten shades that huddle just beyond the light. Stalked by Reapers, devoured whole by the eaters of the dead, summoned and bound by necromancers, they are your people, and they are suffering. Pulled between your own Burden, the half-remembered humanity of the monstrous ghost to whom you are Bound, and the cosmic injustice of the Underworld, where will you stand?
This book contains:
  • The complete rules for playing a Sin-Eater in the Chronicles of Darkness, including systems for organizing and directing the efforts of large-scale organizations like Sin-Eater cults or organized-crime families.
  • Burdens, krewe Archetypes, and a host of unique powers to create your Sin-Eaters and the strange death-cults they build.
  • Example settings from across the globe and history, from the tumult of Washington, D.C. in the 1960s to medieval Carcassone to present-day Beijing.
  • A detailed look at the Underworld and its denizens, from the terrifying Kerberoi to the never-born Chthonians.



Chapter One: The Quick and the Dead[]

Chapter Two: The Road Back[]

Chapter Three: One Foot in the Grave[]

Chapter Four: Old Laws[]

Chapter Five: Antagonists[]

Chapter Six: The Quiet Places[]

Chapter Seven: Ghost Stories[]

Appendix One: The Absent[]

Appendix Two: Conditions and Tilts[]





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