White Wolf Wiki

Garwood Marshall was a Chicago tremere and one of the core members of the Baby Chorus.


Garwood Marshall was one of the numerous fine Black jazz musicians who, just prior to World War II, found themselves squeezed out of the better-paying gigs by the rising number of white bands. A very skilled horn and saxophone player, as well as a capable singer, Garwood was despairing of ever earning the recognition he felt he deserved when DuSable entered the picture.

DuSable was quite taken with the angry young man and, for a short time near the end of the war, ran a jazz club primarily so Garwood could have a place to play. At the end of the war, Garwood was still unable to break into the big time, and his anger was rising. DuSable, feeling that the time was ripe, approached Lodin and was given approval to make Garwood his Neonate. He explained the situation to the musician, who was completely fascinated by the idea. Garwood asked for time to think it over, but he was already hooked. By the end of that week, he was a vampire.

Much to DuSable's dismay, Garwood has shown little inclination toward the pursuit of power which so marks the Tremere. Garwood's anger at not being recognized while mortal came from the fact that he knew he really was good, not out of a need for audiences to admire him. Since becoming one of the Undead, he has spent most of his time trying to perfect his musical skills and adding to the number of instruments he can play.

In fact, during the time he spent in Vienna being Blood Bound to the clan Elders, he spent every night in the Staatsoper Opera House, watching the Vienna Philharmonic practice and perform. However, as the years passed, even Garwood began to tire of music. He found little of interest in rock 'n' roll, grew tired of the jazz scene, and saw little hope for classical music.

Then came the rise of punk. Leery at first of what he considered barely music, Garwood was soon swept up in the raw passion and energy of the genre and first played with a punk band in 1979. He was one of the founders of Baby Chorus, a band he thought up after his first meeting with Kathy Glens at one of Chicago's early punk clubs.

His fraternization with Brujah, Toreadors, and a Malkavian has not gone unnoticed by the powers-that-be in the Tremere, and he is currently under suspicion. Garwood knows this and is not willing to do anything else which might disrupt his standing in the clan or force him to leave the band.

In 1993, while performing at the Succubus Club, Marshall was torn in half by a Lupine and met his final death.


Former member Garwood Marshall fell to Lupines in the 1990s. The Tremere was an excellent musician with a lie-studded background who was well-loved by other band members. Thus, it’s rattled them to hear that, on three occasions, audience members have seen Marshall on stage — and on one of them, band members heard Marshall on saxophone.

Kathy Glens initially believed Evan Klein had duplicated Marshall’s form, but after interrogating him, she is convinced something else was the cause. Theories include some sort of trick from the now-creepy Abraham DuSable, marshall’s ghost has appeared, or Marshall never really died and is using some form of magical remote viewing to spy on the band.

Character Sheet[]

Image: A handsome young Black man with short hair and a trim mustache. He dresses casually yet stylishly.
Roleplaying Hints: You still enjoy life a great deal. Laugh a lot and keep the conversation rolling.
Haven: An old, abandoned jazz club.
Secrets: B
Influence: None, unless you count the huge amount of respect that those in the music scene grant him. In a time of need, he might be able to wring out a favor or two, or certainly be able to Dominate them more easily.

