White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

The Garou Nation is the now-defunct fan club for the Rage CCG. It had two different incarnations, one for each version of Rage (Rage: Apocalypse & Rage: Tribal War). The first version released a newsletter called Tribal Etchings and handed out promo cards. The second version called Sacred Ways released a few promotional cards to members but had trouble releasing a newsletter in a timely fashion.

Tribal Etchings Newsletters:

Came with a Membership Card and Fold-out Playmat.

  • Introductory newsletter
  • Introductory newsletter 2
  • Garou Nation memos
  • Volume 1, Number 1
  • Volume 2, Number 1
  • Volume 2, Number 2
  • Volume 2, Number 3

Non-Card Prizes/Items from Tribal Etchings:

  • Garou Nation Pin WW5625 ($7 or 60 pts.)
  • Garou Nation T-Shirt WW5626 ($15 or 90 pts.)
  • Klaive Necklace WW5627 ($35 or 250 pts.)
  • Sculpted Werewolf Skull WW5628 ($400 or 350 pts.)

Sacred Ways Newsletters:

  • Issue #1

External Links[]

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