White Wolf Wiki
Name: Galatea
Plural: Galateids
Pronounciation: gal-a-tay-uh
Nicknames: Muses, Dolls, Statues, Mannequins, Paphoi (male), Galateae (females)
Progenitor: Galatea
Element: Air
Humour: Sanguine
Bestowment: Mesmerizing Appearance
Mockery: Silent

Galatea is the name of a Promethean Lineage. Galateids, also known as Muses, are created from the most beautiful parts their creators can find, whether taken from one corpse or many. They are animated via the element of Air in the form of the Breath of Life, and they suffer from an excess of sanguine humour. Their Progenitor was Galatea, brought to life by Pygmalion; in the famous Roman myth, she was a beautiful statue.

Galateids are created to be loved and to love others; they crave society and human company, but despite the advantage of their beauty (granted through their Bestowment, Mesmerizing Appearance), they are often ill-equipped for such things, lacking social skills. Even if they learn how to interact in human society, Galateids suffer from the Disquiet just as other Prometheans do, and humans often feel confused as they find themselves both drawn to and repelled by a Muse.

When a Galateid's disfigurement becomes apparent, their beautiful appearance becomes artificial perfection; they look like nothing so much as a statue or a mannequin. Their skin takes on qualities of marble or plastic, and their eyes become glassy and dead. In addition, the Breath of Life becomes visible, condensing around them as if they were breathing in cold weather.
