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The Galacian Confederation is a jumble of leagues, unions and councils representing territories of Central, Southern and Eastern Europe, all of which are ruled by commoners rather than by nobles.



The Resurgence was followed in Europe by the Five Years War, in which commoner kiths rejected attempts by the returning sidhe to assert their right to rule. The immediate and unified response of the commoners in much of Europe prevented nobles from gaining a significant foothold, and many sidhe fled (often to nieghboring Neustria) rather than live under commoner rule. Both sides agreed to an armistice beginning on January 1, 1974, and on May 1 the war officially ended and the Galacian Confederation was born.

Each sub-unit of the Confederation is ruled by its own democratically-elected leadership, although the exact nature of the government varies widely from place to place. Some parts of the Confederation are more friendly to visiting nobles than others.


If Neustria is a commoner's nightmare, then this realm is their best fantasy come to life, at least in theory. The Confederation covers the mortal lands of Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Finland, Eastern Europe, and several nations of the former Soviet Union. The Confederation's population is about 99% commoner, with nockers, redcaps, sluagh, and satyrs the most numerous kith. A group of commoners, usually elected, rules each political unit. Of course, this works better in some places than others. The Bavarian League's diet, for example, runs a strict but fair demesne; their neighboring counterparts in the Province of Venezia are laid back and even welcome the occasional noble visitor. Many of Neustria's nobles are exiles from the Galacian Confederation; at the end of the Five Years War, they chose to leave their homelands rather than live under commoner rule. Much hatred still remains from those harsh times of the Resurgence.

The current head of the Confederation is the satyr Willie Ems, who makes his freehold in Bern, Switzerland.

