White Wolf Wiki

Gaia cults are human cults dedicated to veneration of Gaia, or at least a warped and ignorant perception of her.


Sometimes, the Veil slips and knowledge of Garou culture leaks and influences human communities, especially on the margins of human society. This can lead to the birth of Gaia cults, built on garbled and confused ideas from the Garou about spirits, the Triat, and the need to serve Gaia. Most Gaia cults are harmless, but some become dangerous if their beliefs veer into an extremist direction. Actions that Garou can pull off become suicidal for a human. Unfortunately, this sort of dissemination of Garou knowledge to humans is not limited to the warriors of Gaia. There have also been instances of cults formed around Banes or the hateful ideology of the Black Spiral Dancers, as is the case with the few remaining cells of the Enlightened Society of the Weeping Moon.


A typical genesis for a Gaia cult is when religiously inclined humans become exposed to the Garou and witness something definitely supernatural. This makes true believers out of them, and they then spread their ideas to humans who don’t have first-hand knowledge of the Garou.

Oftentimes, members of such cults believe that they too can become werewolves if they just pass the necessary tests, typically involving murdering the perceived enemies of Gaia, such as a local fast food franchise owner. In reality, the cultists have no chance of becoming Garou unless they happen to be Kin, and their murderous actions most often simply lead to tragedy unless stopped.

