Gabrielle is a member of the Celestial Chorus of the Second Age (2 BCE to 312). She was the founder of the Sisters of Gabrielle.
Her past is a mystery; she appeared to the Roman Adytum early in the third century of the Common Era, fully Awakened but with no knowable background. Gabrielle professed no particular creed, but was strong in her faith and devotion to the Creator, whom Gabrielle (oddly for that era) referred to as "She." Even more peculiar, she claimed total ignorance of Christianity, which by this time was a widely known religion with many followers.
Gabrielle claimed ancient roots. She reported having sailed from the burning city of Troy with Aeneas, but was not herself a Trojan. She was a master of many ancient tongues, which she claimed she learned from experience, not study. But she talked little of her roots or her earlier years or her homeland; she instead spoke of her travels and her duty to the All-mother. Gabrielle was a tall, dark beauty, both strong of arm and strong of will, with long ebon tresses and equally dark eyes - eyes which, sadly, had seen countless horrors.
Her narratives included her journeys into Infernus and the hellish realms of the High Umbra. She fought many Umbral horrors, demons and devils and all manners of diabolical entities, and spoke of the shadowy times when these horrors would run amok on Earth, leaving blood and tears in their wake. Her voice, usually steely and without tremor, would quaver at times when she spoke of what she had seen and learned.
Eventually she formed a militant sisterhood, a sorority of arms dedicated to combating the horrors of Infernus. Her manual, The Treatise on the Infernal, has become standard reading on the Umbral hells. She and her sisters rose every day at dawn to honor the All-Mother and practice at the skills of warfare and magick. Their Songs were battle-hymns accompanied by the clamor of arms.
Gabrielle disappeared after serving for 10 years with the Roman Adytum; she was active long enough to establish her sisterhood and see it grow. Her fate is unknown. Some say that she was forcibly taken to Infernus by one of her many enemies, while others assert that she still travels to other worlds, warning their inhabitants of the dark times to come and preparing them for the Good Fight.
- introduction to The Treatise on the Infernal
- MTAs: Celestial Chorus Tradition Book, p. 59
- MTAs: Tradition Book: Celestial Chorus, p. 44