GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade is the official adaptation of White Wolf's World of Darkness storytelling game Vampire: The Masquerade to Steve Jackson Games' GURPS rules system.
From the back cover:
- Monsters We Are...
- Imagine what it would be like to live forever — to be immortal. You feel the blood-hunger that drives the hunt. Your mouth waters in anticipation of the kiss. Your need washes over you and pushes you to the edge of frenzy.
- Are you strong enough to keep the Beast at bay within your dark soul?
- Within this book, a world of darkness awaits. A world where ancient vampire lords use their subtle machinations to control their unsuspecting minions... while within the bleak cities, Kindred princes flaunt their power, and the elders sway the prince. Little do they know that they are but pawns in the Jyhad — the invisible war that has raged for centuries.
- You are a member of this hidden society. You are Kindred, childe of the Blood — one of the Damned. You will never grow old, but your unending existence is a constant struggle to control your Beast, to feed your hunger for the blood of mortals, and in the end to keep some measure of humanity. Whether you are of the noble Ventrue, the insane Malkavians, the brutal Brujah or the clanless Caitiff, you are of a select breed. And endless adventure awaits... just beyond the coming of the night.
- ...Lest Monsters We Become.
Letter to Dr. Harold Mautzenberg from Taylor: July 1, 1993. (pg. 5)
1481 Document by Piedro Diega Montayon to Don Torquemada. (Pg. 6-8)
Letter from Christophorus to Julian: November 24, 1904 (Pg. 9-14)
Printout of the BBS of 'The Black Door': March 11-12, 1993 (Chat discussion between Vampires) (Pg. 15-19)
1. A World of Darkness[]
Social Distinctions[]
The Six Traditions[]
Witch Hunters[]
- The Government
- The Inquisition
- The Lupines
- The Magi
- Ghouls
2. Characters[]
Character Types[]
Appearance and Style[]
Advantages, Disadvantages and Skills[]
New Advantages[]
New Disadvantages[]
Humanity and Blood Pool[]
Vampire Hunters[]
3. Permutations[]
Will Rolls[]
Blood Pool[]
Injury and Death[]
Blood Bond[]
Character Goals[]
The Prelude[]
4. Disciplines[]
The Structure of the Disciplines[]
Disciplines with Magic and Psionics[]
Discipline Descriptions[]
5. Clans[]
6. Campaigns[]
Campaign Types[]
Mortal Desires: A Vampire Adventure by Chris McCubbin and Jeff Koke[]
Adventure takes place near Route 46, just southeast out of New Orleans.
7. Conversions[]
Required Advantages and Disadvantages[]
Personality Archetypes[]
Sample Conversions[]
Sample Conversions[]
Campaign Conversions[]
Common Parlance[]
Old Form[]
Vulgar Argot[]
Background Information[]
Memorable Quotes[]
- Julian (Ventrue, 6th Gen.) (Pg. 9)
- Christophorus (Julian's Sire, Ventrue) (Pg. 12)
- Galen (Christophorus' Sire, Ventrue) (Pg. 12)
- Johann (Galen's Sire, Ventrue) (Pg. 12)
- Hren (Johann's Sire, Ventrue) (Pg. 12)
- Sebastian (Gangrel: Pseudonym for Taylor: Really a Mortal) (Pg. 15)
- Jyhad (Ventrue) (Pg. 15)
- Tattoo (Brujah) (Pg. 16)
- Saucy Jack (Malkavian) (Pg. 16)
- Caine's Brain (Nosferatu) (Pg. 16)
- Faux Pas (Toreador) (Pg. 17)
- Gregor (Lupine) (Pg. 18)
- Bad Acid (Malkavian) (Pg. 18)
- Sample Vampire: Glider (13th Gen. Malkavian) (Pg. 70)
- Mortal Desires: Arcadian Walsh (9th Gen. Malkavian Justiciar) (Pg. 147-148)
- Mortal Desires: Delbert Villón (Walsh's Childe, Malkavian Elder) (Pg. 148)
- Mortal Desires: Don Enrique Escovedra (Ventrue Prince of Houston) (Pg. 149)
- Mortal Desires: Jeanette (Female Toreador Vampire from Houston) (Pg. 149)
- Mortal Desires: Kafka (Brujah Vampire from Houston) (Pg. 149)
- Mortal Desires: Swamp Anarchs (Pg. 151-152)
- Mortal Desires: Lucian (10th Gen. Anarch: Leader of the Swamp Anarchs) (Pg. 153)
- Mortal Desires: Felicia Desmoulins (Female Ventrue) (Pg. 154)
- Mortal Desires: Etienne Braque (Malkavian) (Pg. 155)
- Mortal Desires: Michael (Mr. Johnson's Childe, Toreador) (Pg. 155)
- Mortal Desires: Mr. Johnson, Prince of New Orleans (8th Gen. Toreador) (Pg. 155-156)
- Mortal Desires: Samantha Drake (10th Gen. Female Malkavian) (Pg. 160-161)
- Mortal Desires: Heather (Samantha Drake's Childe, 11th Gen. Female Malkavian) (Pg. 163)
- Mortal Desires: Typical Cellar Brood (Samantha Drake's broodlings, 12th Gen. Malkavian) (Pg. 162)
- Sample Conversion: Vax (13th Gen. Gangrel) (Pg. 184)
- Sample Conversion: Carlena (13th Gen. Toreador) (Pg. 185)
External Links[]
- Steve Jackson Games Listing (Contains Errata and Designer Notes)
- GURPS Fandom Wiki Listing
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