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Fyodor is a character from the Hunter: The Reckoning series. He is a Visionary and is the Author of Apocrypha.


Not much of Fyodor's early life is known. He was born in the Soviet Union and his brother was in the KGB. The earliest moment revealed about Fyodor is his Imbuing. While he was walking in a park in Kolpino four "shaven-headed fools" attack an old man. Fyodor chooses not to get involved, although a Good Samaritan rushes to the man's aid and fights the four. While Fyodor watches, the Messengers Imbue him, giving him the message "ON WHICH SIDE DO YOU STAND?". After the Good Samaritan finishes with the four Fyodor asks him the question that the Messengers posed to him. The Man seemed shocked at the question, but pointed at the ground and said "hers." The man then asked Fyodor "What about you?". Fyodor simply pointed at the old man. The Samaritan then helped the old man away. His first appearance in the series came when he took Bookworm55 on a trip around the United States. Although he was angry that Bookworm had gone of on his own and met another Innocent, he later replaced Bookworm's lost legs before leaving.


Some time later Fyodor met Emma, a mage, in a library. The two talked several times about various topics, including the Holy Grail. After Fyodor had learned enough he poisoned Emma and used his brother's contacts to dispose of the body.


Fyodor became famous with the publication of his book Hunter Apocrypha. His book contained his own detailed investigation into the supernatural and the Messengers, as well as the signs of the end. Notably, he conducted inhumane experiments to understand the supernatural. For example, in one infamous experiment he abducted one of the Imbued, mutilated them to keep their eyes open, and forced them to closely watch a rot over an extended period. At the conclusion, he killed the rot, the Hunter, and his accomplice. Witness1 and Walker37 confirmed that these events took place and were not manufactured for Apocraypha.

The results of his experiment, as well as his prophetic signs of the end, were published via Violin99 in Hunter Apocrypha.

