White Wolf Wiki

Frog is a Totem of both Respect and Wisdom.

General Overview[]

Though small, Frog carries a respect among the Garou that belies her meager size, especially among the Uktena and Wendigo. Like Gaia’s chosen, Frog is a shapeshifter spirit and a predator. As a spirit of change, bound by the changing water levels brought by tides and temperature, Frog is associated with the seasonal changes, as well as with both Luna and Helios. If asked properly, Frog will guard her children’s lands well and make them prosper, and her many years of guarding caerns have made her a highly honored totem.

  • Background Cost: 7

Traits & Ban[]


  • Individual Traits: Frog is adept at understanding the four forces of the world: the Seasons, the Elements, the Triat, and Gaia. As such, she teaches her children the Gift: Elemental Favor, focusing on the classical elements. With this Gift, Frog’s children can summon rain with water elementals, so long as there are already clouds. As the children of a strongly respected totem, those associated with her each receive + 2 Honor.
  • Pack Traits: Frog also keenly maps the land of the heart, and her packs receive + 2 Empathy.


Though a ruler of the seasons, Frog is also bound by them. Frog’s children suffer a +1 difficulty penalty to all rolls during the winter.

Uktena Overview[]

A Totem of Wisdom for the Uktena, the spirit of the Frog bridges the gap between water and land, between change and stability, both great keys for survival. A bringer of rain, to bless or curse, Frog holds within her tiny form great stores of power.

Traits & Ban[]

  • Background Cost: 4


Frog grants her followers Swimming 1 or an additional dot in Swimming if the Skill is already possessed. In addition, Frog teaches her children the Gift: Sing Down the Rain. Frog's children also gain an additional dot in Dexterity rolls involving leaping or sudden movements.


Frog asks her children never to harm frogs or other amphibians and to seek to preserve the wetlands that are her earthly home.

