Friede Counts-The-Scalps is a metis Galliard Get of Fenris. She appears in Rage. She follows Natasha Moon Chaser into the Umbra to view the past to find a way to defeat the Storm Eater.
Character Quotes from Cards[]
- Cautious Defiance: “The Wendigo had us pinned at the Hoover Dam. Nowhere to run, no hope for help. We stood our ground and howled our defiance, though we knew doom was upon us.” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- Get of Fenris Tribe Card: “We have been in council for a long time, for we have information that proves that the Wendigo have been corrupted, and the Wyrm writhes in their caern. Our leaders howl for blood, for war, for vengeance against those who would blight the face of Gaia; and the words drive the entire pack into a frenzy. Against my advice, there is no plan; we move, now, to strike, for the berserker is upon us.” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- Halt the Coward’s Flight: “You cannot hide from me, Wyrm-eaten cur! I will kill you for what you did at the Dam!” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- Stand Down: “It’s been about two weeks since the events at the Dam. The news has spread, and the Wendigo dare not show their mangy hides.” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- The Blessing of Freya: “Hurt as we were during the fight at the Dam, we were all eager to avenge our kin.” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- Thumb Lock: “Wendigo don’t fight… they cheat!” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- Wendigo Scream: “They gathered for the final charge, letting loose an unholy scream. My hackles rose, and I could tell someone would pay dearly for this evening.” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- We Hunt in the Shadows, Phase 2: “Cowards.” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- An Eye for an Eye, Phase 3: “Tell you what: let’s bash faces until one of us passes out.” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- Talk of Peace, Phase 3: “Blood for blood for blood! Let us end it now, before we drown.” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- Rite of the Time Tunnel, Phase 4: “Together we chanted, creating a bridge to the past.” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- Get of Fenris Tribe Card, Phase 4: “I like fighting. I always have. But I can see that Torvald and Gillian don’t understand what’s happening. The Wyrm within us is rising, and it turns us upon each other, the guardians of Gaia. Though I loathe the thought of working alongside a Wendigo, I shall do so for you, and for the Garou as a whole. But when we return, all bets are off!” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps
- Luigi “Wise Guy” Tuscano, Equinox: “He’s plenty brave when he don’t have to fight.” - Friede Counts-The-Scalps