White Wolf Wiki

Freke, Gere & Hugin are Metis Theurge Get of Fenris Guardians for the Sept of the Blood Fist.[1]


It is the duty of every sept member to guard the caern, but some of the more militant Get have made the duty a full-time obligation. At any given time, the Guardians can be found roaming the perimeter of the bawn, carefully setting branches to rustle loudly if any creature should dare to enter. The leader of each patrol on duty carries a Spirit Whistle and a Sanctuary Chime.

The three Garou who have made a permanent task of guarding the bawn are all metis and have jointly agreed that the best way to prove their worth is to perform their duties more militantly than anyone else. No one is certain where these three came from. They were quite literally dropped at the edge of the bawn during a fierce winter storm and abandoned by a parent or pack too ashamed to face up to the humiliation of their sins. The three of them were found by the sept, half frozen. Raven Corpse-Killer was so impressed by their survival, and their decision to try tackling him for food, that he allowed them into the sept. It is unknown whether or not they are truly Get of Fenris, but they certainly act the part.

The three metis have gained the names Freke, Gere and Hugin. Two of them are named for Odin's wolves. The third is named for one of Odin's ravens.


Freke is completely bald and bears symbols tattooed on his body, one for every victory he has had over an enemy. In addition, he is truly and repulsively obese.

Gere is hunchbacked and has one clubbed foot. His fur is almost white. He often has the effect of terrifying the vampires he runs across. Gere is huge in all his forms. He is seven feet tall in Homid form. In Crinos form, he is almost ten-and-a-half feet tall.

Hugin looks enough like a Black Spiral Dancer that most who meet him would assume the worst if not warned in advance. His ears stand largely above his head, much like those of a bat. His fur is a dark, glossy black, and his fangs thrust from his mouth in every possible direction. As with many metis, his musk leaves those around him on edge, and those that do not know him well could easily decide to attack. Hugin allows one swipe before getting to the business of breaking a few bones in anyone foolish enough to attack without provocation.


Position: Guardians
Breed: Metis
Auspice: Theurge
Tribe: Get of Fenris
Nature/Demeanor: Survivor/Conformist
Attributes: Strength 3 (Hugin 5), Dexterity 3, Stamina 4 (Hugin 5), Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 3 (Hugin 5), Dodge 5 (Hugin 2), Empathy 3, Expression 3, Intimidation 2, Primal-Urge 2, Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 1, Melee 4, Stealth 3, Survival 4, Enigmas 3
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Mentor 3
Gifts: Inspiration (Hugin only), Razor Claws, Sense Wyrm, Spirit Speech, Burrow, Command Spirit (Freke only), Curse of Hatred (Gere only), Name the Spirit
Rank: 2
Rites: Rite of Contrition
Fetishes: Fang Dagger
Rage 8, Gnosis 5, Willpower 5

