Freezer182 is an Imbued from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He also goes by the name of "Tom." At one time he dealt with an Infernal child.
The /walkingdead/ archives include a section based on Freezer182's encounter with the walking dead around the Endron oil facilities near Tulsa. A particularly strong zombie asked him not to get involved, then proceeded to murder an Endron executive. Freezer was badly injured as a bystander in the attack; Endron paid his hospital bills to stay quiet. Later, he found the walker's body and kept a memorable sports cap. Carpenter169 would later suggest that this hat was an anchor that kept the spirit in this world.
- HTR: The Infernal, p. 7, 9
- HTR: The Walking Dead, p. 27-30
- HTR: Hunter Book: Judge, p. 41