Frank Gaughan was a Ventrue, childe of Al Capone and a member of his gang. He was destroyed in 1993 during the events of the Chicago War.
Born in the slums of Southern Chicago, Frank Gaughan learned to fight as soon as he understood what it meant to be a Catholic surrounded by Protestants. He ran with several street gangs during the late 1930s but was drafted into the army for World War II before he could make his mark on the streets. He became a sergeant and proved himself a natural leader of men.
After the war, he returned to Chicago and tried his hand at legitimate work for several years. He soon tired of that life, finding the term "No Irish Need Apply" still far too common. So, he began to revive the old Irish mob in order to break the Mafia's stranglehold on the city's organized crime.
Within a year, he and his allies had become a significant threat to the mob's control of gambling and prostitution and had even begun to muscle in on some of the local unions. However, before he could bring his plans to fruition, he was visited by a figure from the past.
Gaughan had no problem recognizing Al Capone. Despite their different nationalities, Gaughan had always admired the legendary mob boss. So, when Capone asked Gaughan to join him in truly running the city, the Irishman leapt at the chance.
At first, he served Capone as a retainer, and under his leadership, took control of a significant proportion of Chicago's underworld. However, he quickly saw that he had been placed in a no-win situation. He was allowed to control certain areas but could do nothing more than the vampires let him.
Gathering trusted members of his old gang, Gaughan began preparations to destroy the Kindred who ruled the city. Just days before his men were to act, Capone paid him another visit. He told the Irishman that the Prince would now permit Gaughan's rise into the ranks of the Kindred. Believing that this would give him power beyond belief, Gaughan called off his plans and became a vampire.
Since his transformation in 1963, Gaughan has enjoyed using his newfound powers and manipulating mortals for the benefit of his allies and himself. Most of his old gang members have used this new connection to rise high in both business and government, but Gaughan's natural charisma has enabled him to continue to recruit new blood.
He now keeps a close eye on Gaughan, a fact of which Gaughan is well aware. Gaughan feeds on Italian men as his measure of revenge against his sire.
Character Sheet[]
Note: Carries a revolver and a light pistol at all times. If expecting serious trouble, he carries an M-60 machine gun that alternates regular ammo with tracers. (Difficulty 7, Damage 8, Rate 20, Belt 100, Range 80. Tracers do Damage 3 but cause grievous wounds.)
Image: A big, burly Irishman with short, dirty blonde hair and a pudgy face.
Roleplaying Hints: You speak with an exaggerated Irish brogue.
Haven: An old Irish pub in West Chicago.
Secrets: A-
Influence: For the most part, he is simply Capone's enforcer among the dons and gang leaders whom Capone controls, as well as among the lesser Kindred of the city. He has no direct influence of his own, other than what he gains through the power of his fists and his old Irish friends.
- VTM: Chicago by Night, p. 129-130