White Wolf Wiki

Francis is a Thin-blooded musician and follower of the Path of the Sun.


It's unknown when, where, and by whom Francis was Embraced, but like many Thin-Bloods he was doomed to exist on the fringes of Kindred society from night one. Alongside his fellow Duskborn Clay, Francis eked out a minor profit as a member of Sour Sugar, a "mashup cover band" that often performed on the campus of Griffith College in Los Angeles. In reality though, these shows were a ruse: both he and Clay were actually facilitating a scheme of the Brujah crime boss Bobby Blaine. Utilizing their alchemy, the two manufactured and distributed a drug known as "Drops" among the college's students, making them more susceptible to vampiric powers of persuasion.

When this scheme was uncovered by the Anarch coterie that held domain over Griffith College, the consequences were dire. Clay was brutally killed by Baron Victor Temple and their alchemical laboratory was burnt to the ground. Francis was spared, but forced to leave LA on pain of the Final Death. He would wander aimlessly throughout the United States for years, eventually settling in Detroit. There, he met a group of fellow Thin-Bloods who taught him to embrace his true nature rather than fight against it, indoctrinating him into the Cainite Path of the Sun.

Francis would re-surface in New York in 2022, as part of a new band called Bronx Cheer. He and his bandmates regularly perform at The Cage, a nightclub in the South Bronx owned by a Brujah named Richter and his coterie.


Francis is described as a scrawny young man with short, spiky hair dyed neon-green and wearing loose, baggy clothing. These clothes hide the numerous burn scars that cover his body, likely inflicted as part of his initiation into his Path of Enlightenment.


