White Wolf Wiki

The offspring of Gaia, the Five Elemental Dragons are the lords of the Terrestrial Bureaucracy, responsible for overseeing its hierarchy of spirits. Like most gods, the Dragons have become decadent and self-absorbed in the time since the end of the First Age. The Elemental Dragons seldom inquire into the state of their subjects, and the Terrestrial spirits ignore their duties more and become more independent with each year that passes. The Immaculate Order venerates the Elemental Dragons as the Immaculate Dragons, the apotheosis of spiritual development and the lords of Creation.

Some believe that they are the Third Circle Devas of Gaia, with Pasiap being the Fetich Soul of the Emerald Mother herself.

  • Pasiap, the Dragon of Earth
  • Mela, the Dragon of Air
  • Hesiesh, the Dragon of Fire
  • Daana'd, the Dragon of Water
  • Sextes Jylis, the Dragon of Wood
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