First Rites are a type of Rite from Werewolf: The Apocalypse. They were first introduced in the Ananasi Breed Book and are exclusive to the Ananasi.
Before Ananasi are released into the world, the teachers that have been brought together to show them the way of Ananasa take the time to teach them the rites that they will need to establish themselves as a part of the Great Web. These are not complicated rites, but they are designed to grow with the spider as she finds her way on Earth.
List of First Rites[]
- Minor Rite[1]
- Breath of Ananasa - As the Garou Minor Rite: Breath of Gaia.
- Level One[2]
- Rite of the Questing Stone - As the Garou Mystic Rite.
- Rite of Silence - As the Garou Mystic Rite.
- The Rite of Spinning (Mystic) - Once the spiderling has found her place in the world, she must then tie it into the Great Web. The first rite taught to any Ananasi is the Rite of Spinning. This rite creates the haven that allows Ananasa to communicate with her children, as well as allowing the Ananasi to speak with the others of her kind through the Great Web by creating her place of solitude, the Sylie. The Sylie looks like a vast cobweb, spun in any of number of styles, placed in a secluded corner of the character's abode, usually the tops of trees, deep in a cave, an attic, or even a closet. The character is able to directly communicate with the two Ananasi closest to her geographically, sending messages on an almost telepathic level; these messages can only by directly communicated if the other Damhàn is also inside her Sylie. The character can also extend knowledge through the Great Web by tapping into the vast resource of knowledge that resides in its strands. Once inside the strands, the character can obtain or leave knowledge as the Storyteller sees fit. Any communication with Ananasa must be initiated by the Great Mother. Over the course of their lives Ananasi perform this rite many times, whenever they move to a new home, or whenever they advance in Rank, re-establishing themselves on the Great Web.
- Level Two[3]
- Recorder (Mystic) - The Ananasi using this rite can create a simple web that acts as a recording device. The webbing is sound-activated and simply records and stores up to one hour of sounds, much like a tape recorder. The webbing can then be "played" back at any time, and can even be moved before it is used.
- Rite of Appeal - Though it is Queen Ananasa who decides when a Damhàn has reached the proper knowledge and wisdom for an increase in rank, the Ananasi may call to her if they feel they have been overlooked. (It's generally considered appropriate to remind Mother that you've been very good lately, especially if you really have been.)
- Tapping Ananasa's Wisdom (Accord) - Mother is knowledge. When the need arises to learn new Gifts, there is only one source to provide them, and that is Ananasa herself. This special rite opens the Ananasi to learning new Gifts through the connection in his Sylie. The Ananasi must seclude himself in his Sylie, and begin the ritual to await the Great Mother's attention. If Ananasa grants her attention to the spiderling, then the learning of the Gift can begin. Once Ananasa has brought her attention to the Ananasi, he must practice the Gift until it meets the Great Mother's approval - and Ananasa is a very exacting teacher.
- Level Three[4]
- Guardians (Caern) - The Ananasi are very protective of their personal space, especially where their Sylie is located, and often have a few surprises waiting in their special places for unwanted guests. Ananasi using this rite can take the bodies of previous victims or even their own molted exoskeletons and set them up as a defensive perimeter in and around their special places. More often than not these guardians are buried or hidden - walking into an apartment and finding gigantic spider carapaces or rotting corpses is blatant on a level most Ananasi try to avoid. But once "activated" by the intrusion of anyone who doesn't belong in the area these automations immediately attack, using the simplest of methods to defend the lair of their creator.
- WTA: Ananasi, p. 96-97
- WTA/cMET: Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 3, p. 81-83
- WTA: Players Guide to the Changing Breeds, p. 52
- W20: Changing Breeds, p. 68
^ Level 0
Minor: Breath of Ananasa | Ananasi | Pg. 96 |
Breath of Ananasa | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 3 | Pg. 81 |
^ Level 1
Mystic: Rite of the Questing Stone | Ananasi | Pg. 96 |
Rite of the Questing Stone | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 3 | Pg. 81 |
Mystic: Rite of Silence | Ananasi | Pg. 96 |
Rite of Silence | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 3 | Pg. 81 |
Mystic: The Rite of Spinning | Ananasi | Pg. 96 |
The Rite of Spinning | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 3 | Pg. 81-82 |
Mystic: The Rite of Spinning | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | Pg. 52 |
Mystic: Rite of Spinning | Changing Breeds | Pg. 68 |
^ Level 2
Mystic: Recorder | Ananasi | Pg. 96 |
Recorder | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 3 | Pg. 82 |
Rite of Appeal | Ananasi | Pg. 96-97 |
Accord: Tapping Ananasa's Wisdom | Ananasi | Pg. 96 |
Tapping Ananasa's Wisdom | Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 3 | Pg. 82 |
Accord: Tapping Ananasa's Wisdom | Players Guide to the Changing Breeds | Pg. 52 |
^ Level 3
Caern: Guardians | Ananasi | Pg. 97 |
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rites | |
Garou and Fera Rites | Accord · Age Role · Ahadi · Astrological · Caern · Dark Umbra · Death · Frontier · Hengeyokai · Minor · Mystic · Punishment · Pure Ones · Renown · Seasonal · Wyld |
Fifth Edition Garou Rites | Common · Legendary · Social |
Kinfolk Rites | Accord · Caern · Homestead · Milestones · Minor · Punishment · Renown · Ritual of Sacred Rebirth |
Unique Fera Rites | Ajaba - Ananasi: First · Triumvirate · Viskr - Bastet: Kuasha · Moon · Need · Taghairm - Corax - Gurahl - Kitsune - Mokolé - Nagah - Nuwisha - Ratkin - Rokea |
Rites of the Lost Breeds | Apis - Camazotz - Grondr |
Wyrm-Corrupted Fera Rites | Blood Rituals · Defiler Kings · Buzzards · Histpah |
Miscellaneous Rites | 7th Generation - Fomori - Miscellaneous Rites |