The First Change is the moment when a werewolf shapeshifts for the first time, coming into their heritage as Uratha.
Until the First Change, the Uratha are indistinguishable from other Wolf-Blooded. Some are completely unaware of their heritage until the First Change begins. These werewolves are called nuzusul in the First Tongue. The First Change often occurs during the teenage years, but later First Changes are not unusual.
The time period leading up to the First Change is stressful, and nuzusul who are not already aware of their heritage may believe they are going insane. Their senses begin to sharpen, and they may catch glimpses of spirits or other phenomena they cannot explain. They begin to experience psychological changes, such as the urge to hunt and a drastically shortened temper. Often they are followed by menacing strangers - other werewolves who have noticed what is about to happen and are preparing to introduce themselves. Sometimes the change is triggered by outside circumstances — something that makes the werewolf frightened, angry, or excited — but sometimes it is simply the result of the nuzusul's mounting torment reaching its peak.
The First Change is a defining event for each Uratha. It's also usually, though not always, an outburst of uncontrolled Rage. The new werewolf is overwhelmed by the instinct to hunt and kill, and depending on the circumstances, they may end up targeting those nearest at hand — even friends and loved ones. Afterwards, many don't clearly remember what happened, though they may be able to piece together the missing details from the destruction left behind.
The phase of the moon during the First Change determines the werewolf's auspice.