The Fillmore Auditorium is an old music hall in San Francisco.
Found on the corner of Fillmore and Geary in San Francisco, this was the site of much of the 1960s music scene when under the hand of master promoter Bill Graham. He promoted such names as Jefferson Airplane, Big Brother and the Holding Company, and even the Grateful Dead. These shows features bizarre lighting effects and seemingly endless supplies of free psychedelics.
Chimerical Reality[]

Rock and Roll never forgets, particularly not if you keep on reminding it. The Fillmore West is a place of pilgrimage for every Kithain with the rhythm in their veins, and late at night you can hear the guitars and fiddles cranking from inside. It is a point of honor among wilders and the occasional grump to sneak into the echoing main hall, where dancing lights that remain from shows long gone dart among the rafters. Ducking past security, these invaders set up their equipment and play as long as they can. Particularly daring groups set up on the main stage, while more prudent ones head for rooms in the tunnels beneath the building. But they all come, and no changeling act is said to have arrived unless they've made the living lights dance at the Fillmore.
Chimeric shy chords live hidden here as well, though occasionally a particularly talented Kithain performer can coax these remnants of songs sung long ago into joining their voices. This is extremely rare, and extraordinarily powerful. To date, only two acts in the past ten years have coaxed the full complement of chimeric chords from their hiding places: the Canadian chanteuse Loreena McKennitt and the local act Aeon.
- CTD: Immortal Eyes: The Toybox, p. 65