White Wolf Wiki

Masika St. John is a Tremere neonate who is responsible for the recent development in technological Thaumaturgy and has become a figurehead of sorts for many neonates who use technology to achieve things Elders would deem impossible.


Masika began her unlife as just another of the bitter, disenfranchised apprentices of an elder Tremere who viewed modern technology with suspicion and fear and suppressed it whenever he could. She had a major in computer science and her regent needed her to keep up with the modern world, a fact that he despised and he routinely let her feel his dissatisfaction.

It was during this time that Masika began to exchange ideas with other Tremere neonates over the internet and began to experiment with Thaumaturgy and technology, using her computer as a mental extension of her. The result was the Path of Technomancy. Her Regent was not convinced, but allowed her to present her invention to the pontifices and the Inner Council. To the surprise of Masika's sire, the path was soon adopted into the Fortschritt Chantry and became widely practiced.

Masika received praise from many neonates, but her Regent feared that her reputation would eclipse his own and only advanced her in the Circles of Mysteries, refusing to release her from apprenticeship. He relocated her to New York, into the apprenticeship of Ephraim Wainwright. Masika now seeks to refine her path and strengthen the digital network of the Pyramid.

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