Ferris Castle is the Freehold of Duke Firedrake of Cotton.

This chimerical castle located in the Dreaming near Montgomery, Alabama, serves as the freehold for Duke Firedrake of the Duchy of Cotton. Once a pre-Shattering holding of House Fiona, the duke reopened the enchanted site upon being granted his title. Styled in the manner of the ancient castles of medieval Ireland, Ferris Castle steeps its portion of the Dreaming in the history of two worlds: the old world of the Celtic sidhe and the "new" world of the aristocratic South.
Its most conspicuous resident, apart from the duke, is the chimerical dragon Verminian. The castle serves as the rallying point for many of the region's Unseelie changelings. Despite its old-fashioned trappings, the duke's modernist tendencies and love of chimerical creations have endowed the freehold with several unusual architectural and decorative details.
- CTD. Kingdom of Willows, p. 55.