The Ferectoi, also sometimes known as Bane Children, are princes among the ranks of fomori, standing among the strongest and most stable of the Wyrm’s mutants. Pentex makes frequent use of Ferectoi, and the upper ranks of its division management are peppered with Bane Children. The normal glass ceiling blocking fomori from rising high in the ranks of the Wyrm’s servants doesn’t apply to Ferectoi.
This is because the Ferectoi are perfect creations of the Wyrm’s will. Ferectoi are pre-natal fomori, conceived in a twisted mockery of natural reproduction and born already twisted by the will of the Corrupter. No Ferectoi was ever seduced or enticed into the Wyrm’s service; they were made to be what they are, one and all.
The Ferectoi know it. They’re arrogant, self-assured creatures; mostly raised by powerful servants of the Wyrm such as Pentex executives, Wyrmish mages, or relatively “stable” Black Spiral families, and are well aware of their birthright. They burn with a desire to hasten the Apocalypse and bring about a world where they can display their superiority openly.
- WTA: Book of the Wyrm First Edition, p. 86-87
- WTA: Book of the Wyrm Second Edition, p. 115
- WTA: Possessed, p. 35-37
- WTA/cMET: Mind's Eye Theatre: Book of the Wyrm, p. 113
- WTA: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p. 131-132
- WTA: Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori, p. 53-54, 81