White Wolf Wiki
Feathered Serpent

The Feathered Serpent is an ancient, lore-surrounded Chimera who lives in Tangled Valley.


This chimerical creature is about the size of a large parrot. It is neither bird nor lizard but something in between. Tiny teeth and a hissing tongue fill its rounded yellow beak. Each two-foot wing is equipped with thick pinions and a pair of grasping claws. Yellow scales cover the breast and belly but other parts are feathered jade: the ruff on its nape and pinions, and the fringe along its whiplike tail. The creature's mantle is a shifting rainbow of violet, green and gold. When hunted, it can change its coloration to brown, leaf-green, and gray so that it is almost invisible when perfectly still.

Though many have tried no one yet has been able to catch the Feathered Serpent. Many tales and prophesies surround the chimera. One predicts that only the best fae in the world; pure of heart, great of Glamour, and strong of will, can catch the beast. Even then, the Feathered Serpent will come to them when least expected and whisper deep secrets that trace back to the time before the Sundering.

Another tale class that inside the creature's head is a golden pearl. Variations of this hold that the fae who swallows this pearl will be gifted with either lowered Banality, a cure for any one illness or injury, a dragon's sight (heightened Kenning?), Glamour, nothing, or transformation into the next Feathered Serpent. It's all just speculation. Nobody knows anything for sure.


Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 5, Intimidation 3, Kenning 5, Mimicry 3, Climb 3, Stealth 4, Survival 4
Glamour: 10
Willpower: 8
Health Levels: OK, OK, OK, -1, -2, -5
Attack: Harmless Buffet


  • Voice of Mimicry - Though its cry usually has a quivering, metallic resonance, it is said that this chimera can mimic any sound or voice and project its voice 30 yards away. This power works like the Chicanery cantrip, Fuddle. Assume five successes, minus those the target achieves on a roll of Intelligence/Wits/Perception (Player's choice) + Alertness (difficulty 6) The power costs one Glamour.
  • Statue Game - Any fae who makes physical contact with the Feathered Serpent becomes fossilized in chimerical stone for 1-10 turns. the target may roll Willpower, each success reducing the duration by one turn, or spend a point of Banality to slip into their mortal seeming to escape immediately. This power costs 2 Glamour.

