White Wolf Wiki

Falcon is the tribal totem of respect, favored by the Silver Fangs tribe, of which he is also the Patron Spirit.



Like the Silver Fangs he serves, Falcon is a most noble spirit. His keen eyes look deep into the Garou heart, rewarding and inspiring the valorous and honorable. A respected totem, Falcon brings unity to the Fangs and thus to the Garou. Rumors of the Silver Fangs' less-than-sterling performance of late has tarnished Falcon's reputation only slightly.

Traits & Ban[]

  • Background Cost: 5


Packs chosen by Falcon gain three dice to Leadership as well as an extra four Willpower points (available to the pack as a whole, not per member) per story. Each pack member also gains two points of Honor Renown.


To Falcon's children, dishonor is worse than death; they can never allow themselves to lose permanent Honor. If they do, they must either put right the wrong or perform a Rite of Contrition and further atone for their offense by hurling themselves at a powerful minion of the Wyrm. While essentially a suicide run, their blood will wash away the stain on their names.

Favors and Bans[]

In Werewolf 5th Edition, Falcon is the Patron Spirit of the Silver Fangs, rather than their totem. Falcon's keen sight and noble bearing inspire the Silver Fangs to pursue their goals, and to inspire others to follow them in that enterprise. Falcon and the Silver Fangs are associated with Honor.[1]


Falcon calls upon the Silver Fangs to lead, both by example and in demeanor. Silver Fangs can add one die to Persuasion or Leadership dice pools related to making others follow their advice, suggestions, or outright orders.


Falcon is a proud spirit, and dishonor brings great shame to him. If a Silver Fang takes an action that causes them to risk chagrin or losing Renown, they may recover only a single Willpower at the start of the next session, instead of their Composure or Resolve rating.


