Ezag-Son-of-Eochaid is a Fir-bholg king in the Dreaming.
King Ezag of the fir-bholg is an ancient and inhumanly intelligent sorcerer. Powerful in the extreme, he rules over a vast and subtle kingdom carved into the mountains throughout the Middlemarch. He claims to be the son of Eochaid himself (one of the first fir-bholg rulers); if true, this would make him old indeed. Ezag is known to have been alive during the Tessarakonta and was one of the few of his race to reject both the fomorians and the Tuatha de Danaan, earning the respect and enmity of both. Believing that the fir-bholg have a destiny which transcends both of those races, he has killed agents from both camps who have recently visited his mountain abode. Towering over even most ogres, the king has a great, hoary white beard and wears a belt hung heavy with troll skulls which he "plucked" with his great scimitar Darklick (a treasure supposedly equaling Caliburn in power, reputedly able to cut through any substance). He remembers the Tessarakonta with personal animosity and dispatched his agents to the Autumn World when he foresaw the opening of the Twilight Paths. His agents are among the most prescient and clever abroad in the world and have no love for changelings. Nevertheless, he has not made any overt attempt to export war to any changeling lands and apparently has contacts within the Shadow Court.
- CTD. Denizens of the Dreaming, p. 91.